Radiant Futures Open House
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 5, 2023
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Join us October 5, 2023 anytime between 4-7pm
Radiant Futures Fullerton Campus
201 E. Amerige Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832
Free. Lite fare & Drinks
RSVP by 9.28.23 to Lana Erlanson
LErlanson@radiantfutures.org or (714) 992.1939 x 137
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Start off Domestic Violence Awareness Month [DVAM] right, by getting an insider’s view on how we are building a community free from violence. Stop by anytime on October 5th between 4-7PM to see our Fullerton Campus, learn how we support survivors, talk to our team members, and enjoy a drink and lite faire.