Kiwanis Club of Brea
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 1, 2023
7:15 AM - 8:30 AM PDT
Kiwanis Club of Brea meets the First and Third Thursdays of every month.
Embassy Suites North Orange County
900 E. Birch Street
Brea, CA 92821

The Kiwanis Club of Brea s composed of men and women who want to return something back into the community.
We are composed of professionals, clergy, educators, business and community leaders who wish to make Brea a better community to live in.
We are involved in supporting youth leadership programs such as Key Clubs at Brea-Olinda High School; Boy and Girl Scout Troops. We also have an association with the Circle K Club at Cal State Fullerton.
The Kiwanis Club of Brea is always looking for a few good men and women to join us. For membership information please contact Joe Salazar.