3/4 Time Dueling Pianos
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM PDT
October 26, 2023 7-9:30PM
Radiant Futures Fullerton Campus
201 E. Amerige Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832
Tickets are $35 each
Sponsorships & Benefits are located here
Contact Information
Alycia Capone
ACapone@radiantfutures.org 714-992-1939 x 104
Send Email

Are you feelin’ Groovy? You won’t want to miss this musical evening infused with a spectrum of our favorite songs by our beloved pianist- Jake and Laura- while we collectively sing our hearts out. You can expect an evening full of live entertainment, fabulous fare, and drinks that will make you get up and dance. Join us as we raise our voices this Domestic Violence Awareness Month at our sixth annual ¾ Time Dueling Pianos Event and call for safer communities free from violence and harm.